Error Handling in REST Adapter – SAP PI

This blog will show how to do error handling in REST Adapter. The REST adapter supports Custom Error Handling when used as Sender or receiver.

You can use a custom error handling to define how the adapter will react to certain error codes with custom result messages. Besides, you can create error conditions based on the content of the message data.

In this example when PI will have a mapping error, it will send the custom message as a response to the user. This is simple error handling but it should be good to understand the mechanism.

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REST Adapter with Multiple Operations in SAP PI

This blog will show how to use REST Adapter with Multiple operations in SAP PI. Here we will expose the API with multiple operations for which REST sender will be used.


REST Adapter with Multiple Operation Flow

As shown in flow diagram PI will expose the REST API with 2 operation addition & subtraction.

I will recommend going through the Sync/Async scenario using the REST adapter before starting into multiple operation configurations using the REST adapter. That will provide a good REST adapter background.

Async Scenario using REST Adapter Scenario in SAP PI

Sync Scenario using REST adapter in SAP PI

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Sync Scenario using REST adapter in SAP PI – Part II

This blog is a continuation of the sync scenario using the REST adapter in SAP PI. Here we will cover the configuration steps for JSON format.

In case you want to read about XML format here is a link to 1st part of this blog Sync Scenario using REST adapter in SAP PI – Part I

Scenario :

REST adapter can be used for consuming a REST service or exposing a REST service in PI. This blog will cover only exposing of REST service for which Sender REST Adapter will be used.


REST<–> SAP PI<–>SOAP ( calculator service)

It will be a synchronous scenario where the request will send to PI and response will be received based on the operation (Add, Sub, Divide or multiple).

To keep it simple we will only work with add operation, for multiple operation check this guide REST Adapter with Multiple Operations in SAP PI

In case you are looking for Async example here is a step by step guide REST Adapter scenario in SAP PI – JSON/XML

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Sender REST Adapter Scenario in SAP PI – Part I

This blog will cover the step-by-step guide on how to create the Sender REST Adapter Scenario in SAP PI. It will cover all the configuration steps of the sender REST adapter.

Scenario :

REST adapter can be used for consuming a REST service or exposing a REST service in PI. This blog will cover only exposing of REST service for which Sender REST Adapter will be used.


REST<–> SAP PI<–>SOAP ( calculator service)

It will be a synchronous scenario where the request will send to PI and response will be received based on the operation (Add, Sub, Divide or multiple).

To keep everything simple in this blog I will cover only Add operation and next blogs I will show how to use multiple operations in the REST adapter.

In case you are looking for Async example here is a step by step guide REST Adapter scenario in SAP PI – JSON/XML

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Java Mapping in SAP PI

This blog will cover how to do Java mapping in SAP PI.  Java Mapping is always a concern for any PI consultant, so today I will try to explain the techniques which will make it interesting and easier.

In PI mapping can be done in the following ways

  1. Graphical Mapping – The most popular and easier way.
  2. Java Mapping
  3. XLST Mapping
  4. ABAP Mapping – This will not be applicable in case you have a single stack instance.

In this blog, we will cover Java Mapping in SAP PI.

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SOAP To Mail Scenario in SAP CPI

This blog will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create SOAP to Mail Scenario in SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration).

The scenario will not have any mapping but will help in understanding the configuration steps.

Here is an iflow

SOAP to Mail Scenario in SAP CPI

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Data Store in SAP CPI

This blog will explain the concept of data store in SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration).

What is Data Store Operations

Data Store is a collection of operations to allow you to store and retrieve messages into/from the database. You can use these operations to store, retrieve or delete entries from the data store.

Data Store in SAP CPI

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Splitter in SAP CPI

This blog will explain how to use Splitter in SAP CPI.

What is Splitter:

A Splitter step allows you to break the message into smaller parts, which can be processed independently.

Cloud Platform Integration has 4 types of Splitters:

  1. General Splitter – A splitter that divides a message containing multiple messages into individual messages. This splitter preserves the context of the root nodes with each split message.
  2. PKCS Splitter – Separates the payload from its signature and provides them as split messages.
  3. Iterating Splitter – A splitter that divides a message containing multiple messages into individual messages. This splitter considers only the split entity and does not preserve the context of the root nodes.
  4. IDoc Splitter – Divides a group of IDocs into individual IDocs. It only works if either the sender or the receiver channel is an IDoc channel. Here there is no chance to continue processing in case of an exception.

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Aggregator in SAP CPI

This blog will explain Aggregator in SAP CPI ( Cloud Platform Integration) and how it can be used in iflows.

An Aggregator is a process step used for collecting messages until a condition is met.

Aggregator in SAP CPI

It can collect messages across many executions of an integration flow, not only one. If the integration flow receives 5 messages, all the messages are collected by the same instance of the Aggregator.

The Aggregator collects the messages in a data store and you can only aggregate XML messages.

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XML to JSON conversion in REST adapter SAP PI

This blog will explain how to handle XML to JSON conversion in REST adapter. Here we will cover enhanced REST adapter settings to handle array – repeated segments.

How REST Adapter converts

REST adapter uses 3rd party Jettison library for JSON processing tasks. It is used for conversion of XML to JSON & vice-versa and sometime it does not correlate or take into consideration payload field properties as defined in a corresponding message type, but has its own optimization and type derivation mechanisms that are based on nature of the value of a processed XML document’s element rather than XSD schema of a processed message.

As a result, sometime conversion are not correct especially in case of XML element as an array.

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